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Friday, March 25, 2011


What is the Internet? how the initial formation of the Internet. yes sometimes we are just as user and not knowing the origin of the internet that we use today. Well this time it will discuss the history and functions of the Internet that part I quoted from wikipedia.

 The Internet is a computer network established by the United States Department of Defense in 1969, through a project called ARPANET ARPA (Advanced Research Project Agency Network), where they demonstrate how the hardware and UNIX-based computer software, we can do within a short distance communication infinity through the phone line. ARPANET project designing a network, reliability, how much information can be transferred, and finally all the standards that they set into the embryo of a new protocol development is now known as TCP / IP (Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol).

The initial purpose of the construction project was for military purposes. At that time the United States Department of Defense (U.S. Department of Defense) create a computer network system that is spread by linking computers in areas vital to address the problem in case of nuclear attack and to avoid the occurrence of centralized information, which in the event of war can be easily destroyed.

At first ARPANET only connecting 4 sites, ie the Stanford Research Institute, University of California, Santa Barbara, University of Utah, where they form a single integrated network in 1969, and in general the ARPANET was introduced in October 1972. Not long after the project is growing rapidly in all regions, and all universities in the country wanted to join, thus making it difficult to set the ARPANET.
Therefore, ARPANET split widened two, namely “MILNET” for military purposes and the “ARPANET” new smaller for non-military purposes such as, universities. Combined both networks eventually known as the DARPA Internet, which then reduces to the Internet.
Interest in commercial use of the Internet becomes hot topic for debate. Although commercial use is prohibited, the exact definition of commercial use could be unclear and subjective. Clean UUCP and X.25 IPSS had no such restrictions, which will eventually see the official restrictions on the use of ARPANET and NSFNET UUCPNet connection. Some UUCP links still remain connected to it, however, as the administrator throwing eye to their operations.
During the 1980s, the first Internet service provider (ISP) company was formed. Companies like PSINet, UUNET, Netcom, and Portal Software was formed to provide services to regional research networks and provide alternate network access, UUCP-based email and Usenet News to the public. That the first commercial dialup ISP in the United States the World, opened in 1989.

In 1992, Congress passed and Advanced Scientific-Technology Act, 42 USC § 1862 (g), which allows the NSF to support access by public education and research for computer networks that are not only used for research and educational purposes, thus allowing for the interconnection of the NSFNET with a commercial network. This has caused controversy in research and education community, who fear commercial use of the network may cause the Internet that are less responsive to their needs, and commercial network providers in the community, who felt that government subsidies have given an unfair advantage to some organizations.
In 1990, ARPANET was followed and replaced by new network technologies and the project came to a close. new service provider’s network, including PSINet, Alter, CERFnet, ANS CO + RE, and many others that offer network access to commercial customers. NSFNET backbone no longer the de facto and Internet exchange points. The Commercial Internet eXchange (CIX), Metropolitan Area BursaNetwork Access Point (NAP), which became the primary interconnections between the many networks. Restrictions final carry commercial traffic ended on April 30, 1995 when the National Science Foundation ended sponsorship of the NSFNET Backbone Service and the service ended. NSF provides initial support for the NAP and temporary support to assist local research and education network transition to a commercial ISP. NSF also sponsors a very high speed Backbone Network Service (vBNS), which continues to provide support for the supercomputer centers and research and education in the United States.

Elements of the Web Site or the Site
To build the site may take a few elements that must exist for the site to run correctly and as expected. The elements that must exist within the site include:
a. Domain Name Domain name or domain name is usually called the permanent address of the site in the Internet world that are used to identify a site or in other words the domain name is the address used to find our site on the internet. The term commonly used is the URL. Example of a URL is–dapat also without the www -
There are many kinds of domain names we can choose as you wish. Here are some domain names are often used and available on the internet:
1. Generic Domains (gTLDs)
Is the domain name that ends with
with. Com. Net. Org. Edu. Mil or. Gov. Domain type is often called top level domain name and domain are not affiliated by country, so anyone can register.
Ø.com: is the top level domain dedicated to the needs of “commercial”.
Ø.edu: a domain that is devoted to the needs of education (education)
Ø.gov: is the domain for the administration (government)
Ø.mil: is the domain for the needs of the armed forces (military)
Ø.org: domain for non-profit organization or institution (Organization).
2. Country-Specific Domains (ccTLDs)
Domain that is associated with two-letter extension, and often also called second-level domains, like. Id (Indonesia),. Au (Australia),. Jp (Japan) and others. This domain is operated and have been registered enter the country. In Indonesia, these domains ending in,.,.,.,.,., and the recently added by,. Miles . id, and The use of each of the different endings depending on the user and its use, among others:
Ø For enterprises that have a valid legal entity
Ø For Educational Institutions
Ø Special for the Republic of Indonesia Government Institutions
Ø Especially for Military Institutions of the Republic of Indonesia
Ø For all kinds of organizations yand not included in the category “”, “”, “”, “” and other
Ø for internet cafe industry in Indonesia
Ø specifically for education institutions that provide education such as elementary, junior high or high school and
Ø Intended for business entities, organizations or individuals who perform activities in the worl Wide Web.
The domain name of each site in the world do not have the same so that no single site that will be found mixed up or confused the name of its Web page. To obtain a domain name rental done, usually within a certain term (annual).
b. Hosting
Hosting can be defined as the space contained in the hard drive to store various data, files, images etc. to be displayed on site. The amount of data that can be added depending on the size of hosting the rented / owned, the greater the greater the hosting of data that can be entered and displayed on the site.
Hosting also be obtained by renting. The amount of disk space hosting determined by the size in MB (Mega Bytes) or GB (Giga Byte). Lama rental hosting calculated average per year. Rental hosting done from tenant companies web hosting that are often found in both Indonesia and Overseas.
c. Scripts / Languages ​​Program
It is the language used to translate each command in the site when accessed. Types of scripts is critical static, dynamic or interactive a site. The more variety of scripts that use it will show the site more dynamic and interactive as well as look good. Good site can be seen by visitor feedback and frequency of visits.
Various scripts are currently exists to support the quality of the site. That many types of scripts used by designers such as HTML, ASP, PHP, JSP, Java Scripts, Java applets and so on. The basic language used every site is HTML and the ASP and the other is a language that acts as a regulator of supporting dynamic, and interactive sites.
Scripts ASP, PHP, JSP or other can be made yourself, can also be purchased from vendors scripts are usually located in a foreign country. Scripts average price is very expensive because it’s hard to make, usually in the tens of millions. Scripts are typically used to build a portal of news, articles, discussion forums, guest books, members of the organization, email, mailing lists and others that require an update every time. Special Online Jilbab using language ASP (Active Server Pages).
d. Web Design
After doing leasing the domain and hosting and mastery scripts, the most important elements of the site and the main design. Web Design determine the quality and beauty of the site. Design is very influential to the assessment of whether a visitor will be nice web site.
To create a website can usually be done alone or hire a web designer. At present very many web designers services, especially in big cities. Please note that the quality of the site is determined by the quality of the designer. More and more web designers mastery of a variety of programs / software support site development it will produce more high quality sites, and vice versa. Services are web designers who generally require the highest cost of all site development costs and all that tergantu ng designer quality.
e. Publications
The existence of the site is useless built without visited or known by the public or visitors to the internet. Because the site is effective or not depends on the size of incoming visitors and comments. To introduce the site to the public requires a so-called publicity or promotion.

Publication sites in the community can be done in various ways such as with Pamphlets contain-Pamphlets contain, flyers, billboards and so forth but this way can be said is less effective and very limited. I usually do and most effective with unlimited space or time is a direct publication on the internet via search engines, search engines (search engines, like Yahoo, Google, Search Indonesia, etc.)
How to publications in search engines is free and some are paid. What is free is usually limited and long enough to get in and be recognized on search engines like Yahoo or Google. How effective publicity is to pay, despite having a little issue but the site will quickly get into search engines and is known by visitors.

The first mobile phone with Internet connectivity is the Nokia 9000 Communicator, launched in Finland in 1996. Continuity of services on mobile internet access is very limited until the prices come down from the provider network models and began developing systems and services easily accessible on mobile phones. NTT DoCoMo in Japan launched its first mobile Internet service, i-mode, in 1999 and is regarded as the birth of mobile Internet services. In 2001 the mobile phone mail system with Research in Motion to their Blackberry products launched in the U.S.. In order to efficiently utilize the small screen and small keypad and a typical mobile phone one-handed operation, a particular document and the network model has been created for mobile devices, the Wireless Application Protocol (WAP). 

Most mobile Internet devices operate using WAP services. The growth of mobile telephone service was originally an Asian phenomenon, especially with Japan, South Korea and Taiwan all Internet users quickly find the majority of them access the resources via telephone, not by the PC. [Citation needed ] Developing countries followed, with India, South Africa, Kenya, Philippines and Pakistan all report that the majority of their domestic users accessing the Internet from mobile phones than PCs. Europe and North America using the Internet is influenced by a large installed base of personal computers, and mobile internet access growing more gradually, but has achieved national penetration rate of 20-30% in most Western countries. [Citation needed] The cross-over occurred in 2008, when Internet access more mobile devices than personal computers. In many parts of the developing world, the ratio of 10 mobile phone users for a single user PC.

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