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Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Static Electricity is generated when a different material comes in contact or part mutually. A fire will surely break out, if conditions are ready.
1.    Danger of the fire explosion

The theory says that combustion is the phenomenon to emit heat and light by oxidation or resolution reaction. The combustion can be occur when the necessary three elements happen are the combustible material, the oxidant (air or oxygen), and the ignition source (ignition energy). The combustion will not happen if the necessity is lacked.
It is combination of oxygen, heat is discharged and generation of heat reaction (progress with the combustible material that burns by chemical reaction)
The heat that is generated in the combustion can be economically used as a fuel. This combustible fuel can be divided roughly into three kinds (a solid fuel, a liquid fuel and the gaseous fuel).
The ignition source gives activation energy which necessary for starting combustion process.
heat rising, an electric spark, static electricity, lightning, etc by another naked flame and heating become ignition sources through of course corresponding with various fire as ignition sources also. 

2.    Cause of a fire and explosion

Once fire and explosion appear it can make heavy casualties at that that time.
Moreover, it can be turn to a fear with a large scale destruction of the facilities, large container and further is lost of life.
Thus, cause of fire and explosion necessary to analyze in order to handle the fire itself and avoid unwanted damage.
Fire and explosion can be caused by Static electricity
As mentioned above that fire can be arise when the combustible material and the oxygen meet, together with friction and collision, thereafter can generate static electricity. On specific energy, spark occur.
Static electricity is generated if the object (material) does the contact separation movement, and electrified on the condition. It is generally called as the generation of static electricity to discharge this electrified object.
If the electrification potential rises even if the electric capacity is the same, the electrical discharge energy becomes it

Restriction of fire
Don’t bring lighter and cellular phone into work place.
Smoke at the smoking place.
Don’t use fire without permission.
Electrical equipment should be fire proof.

Restriction of Collision, Friction
Use non-spark tools.
Use pure aluminium plate for lid of the tank.
Use shaft cover.
Use scrapper made of wood or rubber.
Use conductive V-belt.

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