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Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Quality Control Circles or used to called QCC is a small group of employee (usually between 3 to 10 people) from the same scope of work, who voluntarily doing the activity of control and improvement continuously using quality control techniques.   

Continuous activity, participation of all members, using QC methode, independent self-development, collective group development are the part of corporate quality management activity.

Basic Idea of QCC 

1. Respecting individual and build fun work place. Having important meaning for company and employee (human respect)  
2. Raise complete individual ability so that the ability can be describe and with unlimited possibility  
3. Increase employee participation in contribution for enhancement, development and improvement of company (sense of belonging)

Key To Success Of QCC 

1. Support environment  
2. Commitment from the top managements 
3. Selection of appropriate goals/objectives 
4. Clear information and good communication  
5. Willing/compliant character of the members 
6. Good and proper training 
7. Grow gradually but steady 
8. Always open and positive

QCC Detention 

1. Less of commitment 2. Less of human source
3. Less of participation  
4. Time limitation  
5. Less of understanding  
6. Less of control 
7. External restrictions  
8. Ineffective training
Benefits QCC for Employee 
1. Tools for communication improvement  
2. Tools for management practicing and improvement activity  
3. Tools for human relationship and build strong team work and harmonious

      Benefits QCC For Company
      Escalation quality of QCDSMPE (Quality, Cost, Delivery, Safety, Morality, Productivity & Environment) that can lead the company to the competitive level toward to excellent company.
      Improvement activity doing continuously and recurrent to obtain the best result. No stop word for doing the improvement. This is cycle activity consist of PLAN, DO, CHECK, ACTION (PDCA).

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