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Thursday, March 24, 2011

Thinking Positive When Facing a Disaster

At the time of the affected positively Are You Thinking? Maybe yes or no. Lately much of a disaster that came and went. Tsunamis, earthquakes, storms and flooding attack humans. This incident made the most of their berburuk They thought of God because it had lowered the disaster.

Positive thinking is not easy, especially when we face disaster. Not as easy to write or read a post today, but at least you or I at least remember the principles of positive thinking, although only a few points only.
There are some things that need to be developed after the disaster:

1. Disasters are part of the dynamics of life, the more you are robust in the face of disaster, the more powerful it you deal with life.
2. Disaster is a natural phenomenon which can be a practice exam and even punishment from God or a disaster may be caused by man, then as early as possible to apply the love of your environment no matter how small.
3. Thank God after the disaster because you are still alive right? and survived the death.

Some post-disaster actions:
1. Stay Calm and Tough
2. Mutual help between fellow human beings, not a particular group, race, religion or country, because all equal in the eyes of your God.
3. For those of you who are relatively young and strong, the old precedence in many ways, queuing up food, water, etc in receiving aid. takes precedence over people than you.
4. Permanent Smile
5. Remain Optimistic Staring future. Hope is the soul and the hum of life, hope and pray all recovered as before and try to based on an optimism.
6. Stay humorous in a state of sentimental ones, because laughter provides an opportunity for us to be more fresh and less to forget what happened to us

W.W. Ziege had said. "There will be no one who can stop a positive mentality to achieve its objectives. Conversely, there is nothing in this world that can help a person who has a negative mentality. "
If we are a positive minded, we are certainly capable of producing something. We will be more creative rather than react. Clearly, we are more concentrated to strive to reach the goals just kept thinking positive than negative things that might happen in our daily lives.
Life and happiness a person can not be measured by the size of a degree, position and family background. What is seen is how the way people think that. Indeed, our success is more influenced by the way we think.
Remember the words of Robert J. Hastings, "The place and circumstances does not guarantee happiness. We're the one who must decide whether we want to be happy or not. And so we took the decision, then happiness will come. "

With a positive attitude does not mean that has guaranteed the achievement of a success. However, if our attitude is positive, at least we're on the road to success. Successful or not we will be determined by what we do along the way we've been through it.(
quoted and translated from

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